Saturday, September 21, 2013

Our Big Baby Shower - No Pics? No Problem.

It's crazy to think that one week has gone by since our baby shower in Temecula, and Brittany & I are still reflecting on how special it was to us. In spite of 100+ degree whether that afternoon, over 50 people came out to surround us with love and support as we anticipate Zoey's arrival in just a few months!

Among our guests were friends from Temecula and other parts of California, as well as friends from Tanzania, Nigeria, Ivory Coast, and the Philippines. It was a multi-ethnic, multi-generational, and multi-lingual gathering - yet there was one significant theme - Christ is the author of life, and has blessed us with the most precious gift of all, a precious little girl growing big and strong in Brittany's womb! This baby shower was church in motion!

We thanked people who have known us from a few months to a few years to those who even knew us when we were still in our mother's wombs! God has blessed Brittany and I with many wonderful friendships, and has creatively led us into each other's lives. We're blown away by the cool stories each of us bring to the table, and overjoyed to see people from different circles get to know one another for the first time. It was also important for us to take a much-needed moment to acknowledge the guest of honor, the author and sustainer of life; the one who makes it possible to love and grow closer to God and each other; and the one who has blessed us with our little miracle - Jesus Christ!

After a few hours of eating, conversing, looking at photos from Tanzania, making onesies for Zoey, and more - Brittany & I brought everyone together one more time. We reminded everyone of how blessed we were to celebrate life (Zoey's name even means "life"!), and talked about how surreal it was to actually be at our very own baby shower. Moreover, we reminded everyone that this is also a difficult time especially for our families, knowing that the three of us will be moving to Tanzania next year. We're not just pregnant with a baby after all, but also pregnant with a dream and a vision to be missionaries on the other side of the planet. It's super tough, but we're grateful that it is tough because we are surrounded by so many incredible friends and a family that loves us beyond measure.

We talked about Tanzania - a land full of so much hardship and devastation due to poverty, millions of orphans, disease, corruption, crime, and marginalized peoples - yet also a land full of so much hope, beauty, and potential. God has given us an undeniable passion to move to this land and walk through life with the people, empowering them to rise out of their circumstances and find healing and restoration and a noble purpose.

We desire to make disciples and see leaders rise up to create a new narrative. We read Matthew 18:10-14 which is when Jesus talks about leaving the 99 to find the 1 who has gone missing. There are millions of precious little children like Zoey who have never known the love of a mother or father. They have been overlooked and exploited, and left in physical, mental, and spiritual poverty. It is our desire to go out to them and do what it takes to lead them back to the fold, and to find the healing, hope, and restoration that is only available at the foot of the cross. No amount of sex trafficking, hunger, abuse, or oppression is great enough to put them outside of Christ's love - in fact, it is for those whom Christ came for! It's about the one.

We talked about some of our goals and desires upon moving to Tanzania, including special project close to our hearts - a partnership with a Kenyan couple to empower street boys and neglected girls through vocational development, mentorship, and discipleship. I attempted to read a touching letter from that Kenyan couple, Pastors Renson & Faith Kimori... It was a blessing for Zoey and encouragement to our families to send us to them to continue the good work that God has started. I got too choked up while reading the letter, so Brittany picked it up and read the rest, tears streaming down her face as well. When the letter was finished, I looked up to see tears rolling from eyes all over the room - a moment I will never forget. I'll include that letter in another post next week :)

The night was too packed with fellowship and conversations to get around to taking photos, but I'm perfectly okay with that - the memories made at this glorious celebration far outweigh the photos that might have been taken. We were simply too engulfed in the moment, and too present with loved ones to turn the camera on to snap a few pics. Though I have nothing to show you, we are blessed with amazing friends and family, and stories to last a lifetime.

We're also indebted to the many people who planned the shower; to Brittany's mom coming in from Kansas and sacrificing tons of time & money to make it perfect; Britt's sister Kirsti for coming in from Colorado for the big day; my family for opening up their home and going through so much trouble to make everything just right; and to the dozens of people who came out on a 100+ degree afternoon to spend time with us, give above and beyond what we could have imagined, and celebrate Zoey Elizabeth - the most precious gift God could ever give us this side of eternity. We are simply overwhelmed.

Thank you to those who participated in this baby shower, and thank those of you who took the time to read this slightly longer reflection than normal ;)

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