I'M A DAD!!!
After 4 years of dating and 6 years of marriage, my wife, Brittany, and I welcomed our precious little girl, Zoey Elizabeth Sherman, to this world on 12/9/13 at 11:49 am, 20" long and 7 pounds 9.6 ounces of pure perfection. It has been an incredible journey getting to this point in our lives, and even more so throughout the pregnancy and labor process - stories sure to come in the near future!
And my oh my has the time flown by -- she's almost a month old already. Crazy!! We have treasured every single moment together as we find ourselves continuously kissing her little nose and toes, squeezing her cheeks, and simply reflecting on how much of a miracle it is to finally have her in our arms, gazing at her with unconditional love. One of my favorite things to do is simply hold her while she holds my finger tightly in her tiny fingers, staring at the intricate details of her fingernails, eyelashes, full head of hair, and so much more.
Anyways, I don't want to get too ahead of myself. I just wanted to finally get in a rhythm of writing all the things going on in our world right now. I know many people say, "Just wait until the second and third, when all the milestones aren't as big of a deal and you're much less in awe of it all." Well first of all, I hope I don't lose this passion for God's beautiful creation and of the precious gift of life and responsibility of raising a child! And second of all, even if that is the case, you better believe I'm going to be the token parent who runs around telling everyone how proud I am and how much love Brittany and I have for one another and our baby girl! Boom!!
That said, I invite you to follow my "Diary of a New Dad". First off, you need to know this: I am a Christian and believe that God created us in his image, and has blessed us with an opportunity to know him more by creating new life, loving our children unconditionally, and honoring God and others with every word spoken and deed done. One of the final pieces of my choice to want a child was because I knew I would learn so much more about the Father's heart. My prayer is that this blog would be a place where I can unpack those lessons, reflections, and discoveries.
This will also be a space dedicated to being transparent about the struggles of parenthood as they too will surely become a reality. One thing in particular will be the difficulties in moving overseas, saying goodbye to family here, and bringing a grandchild to another continent.
But in the midst of these hard times will come stories of blessing, encouragement, hope, healing, and the joys that come with walking alongside those who live in poverty, loving on children who have never known the love of a mother or father, and serving them together as a family as we embrace what we have in common - complete dependence on God.
Warning: Expect this blog will be full of posts about how amazing this adventure of parenthood will be with my hero -- my wife. She is my treasure and inspiration and I could not imagine life without her love and example. Visit Britt's blog here!
Lastly -- I'll definitely include tons of stories of poop, spit up, throw up, pee, burps, diapers, and all things that come with the territory of being a dad. I don't know about you, but I CAN'T WAIT! The real question is, to include pictures or not? Just kidding. But seriously let me know ;)
Hope to see you in Diary of a Dad part II.
Looking forward to your comments and questions. God bless!
Mark Sherman, aka Zoey's daddy.
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