Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Blessings To Zoey. Love, Africa (Part 1)

I asked a few of the friends we met in Tanzania last year if they'd like to write a blessing for Zoey, and got four wonderful responses. I'll write the others in the future, but here is the one written by our dear Kenyan friends, Faith & Renson Kimori. They are the ones we'll be working very closely with to help empower street boys and girls who have been abandoned or sex trafficked once we're living in Moshi (The girls are the ones sewing the purses we've been raving about over the past few months!)

I took this photo of Renson & the boys last summer.

Faith & the girls

Here's our first shipment of purses & macbook pro cases! Let us know if you want to buy one!

I tried to read this blessing at the baby shower a few weeks back, and was too choked up to finish so thankfully Brittany helped me (though tears were streaming down her face as well). There were very few dry eyes in the house by the end of the letter, so maybe you should grab a tissue :)


You will be born in the US, and most of your childhood you will spend with your parents under the stars of Tanzania in Africa, playing and enjoying each other in love, peace and the joy of the Lord. You are such a blessing, and to be born in such a moment was ordained. I know you're happy to accompany Mark & Brittany to Africa, because it's a good thing to do.

Zoey we know your living and growing up in Africa will bring sadness to many people, especially your grandpa and grandma, it's okay, for them to be sad, because they love you and want the best for you, but you will also get the best from God and from us while serving alongside your parents. We will take good care of you and we know God will open his good heaven for you and your parents to protect, provide and care for you well being. We will always be alongside you and we know one who will never leave or forsake you, his name is Jesus.

To Zoey's grandparents, family and friends, we are grateful for you all for bringing such a great joy and peace and wonderful gift to this world through your son and daughter, Mark and Brittany. We met face to face for a very short time and every second with them counted and they have changed our lives forever.

Sitting and talking and sharing with the Shermans was so powerful that it expanded our dream for the boys and girls hundredfold, one thing I know about them, they live for what they believe and are a son and daughter of God not only of word but of deeds.

Grandpa and grandma, family and friends, Mark & Brittany have started writing a book in heaven and a letter of love, peace and joy in the hearts of the girls and boys of Africa. They are changing history! Mark and his family will continue the writing you started as a family of God - when they come it's also like you coming with them to do the good work.

We have a deep friendship with your son and daughter and Christ has connected us to do a great work together and empower the boys and girls who come from very poor families, orphans and rescue them from poverty, sex trade and all the temptation of this world, and much more - to bring them to the knowledge of Christ. Please let's release them to Africa in love, in peace and in joy, helping them with all we have to see their dream come to pass. It's a Noble Purpose!!

We believe Mark & Brittany are called and ordained of God to serve the noble purpose of God in Africa. We humbly ask you to give Mark & Brittany to change lives, and remember we will only be borrowing your hands and feet, ideas and will through Mark, Brittany, and Zoey.

Thanks for saying yes.

- Renson & Faith Kimori.

If you'd like to partner with us as we partner with Faith, Renson, and the boys & girls, please visit our get involved page or give page on our website.

Please also feel free to like our Facebook page, the boys' Facebook page, or the girls' Facebook page. Let them know how awesome and loved they are :)

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